The interesting thing about zefrank was that he pulled the viewers into the community he piecemealed in his spare time. He had a silly way of unifying everyone that saw him through a pointy little box in our magical light squares. I'm sad at this very moment that I can't put his catchy songs on my cellular phone as to notify me of incoming communicae. Which reminds me that I really must learn how to make my own ring tones. Isn't that neat? You don't have to rely on overpriced corporate hackery to feel cool in public places when people want to talk to you (you overly self-involved ass). Though, you might have to read a manual.
Luckily there are manuals for everything, especially thanks to hard working men and women trying to make our larger world community a smaller, more informed one. I learn how to cook things every day from people I've never met, seen, or heard of. When you bring it all full circle, like a new age yuppie freak with his World music and his designer moccasins, I couldn't even communicate these thoughts were it not for many, many people before me helping many, many others. Just seems that we all need a bit of motivation to do things like people used to. What it seems that we need are people like zefrank to help us get enthused in things again.

1 comment:
RIP Ze Frank.
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