I've been meaning to make it more apparent that I'm also blogging about media for an AMST class which can be seen here.There are some overlapping videos and discussions and I would rather not post the same things twice if I can (videos, subject material, pictures). To think, I've gone so far without blogging only to suddenly do twice as much.
Update: Now that it's over, AMST 325 was a class that covered ground but simply didn't get me to where I want to end up. I was already fairly familiar with things. It's a class I would've liked to hear the instructor talk more about than the students because while we're submerged into this popular culture it is not always apparent to us what it is that is either going on or attempted to be explained to us. I don't know if many people know much about post-modernism, post-structuralism, or late-consumerism but it would have been nicer if the discussions of those things had more to do with their conceptual cores than their mundane, anecdotal, face-value summations. If the study of media and culture can show us anything it's that there is more going on than what we immediately see as going on.
It is with that is mind that perhaps I should explain about "Poop Cult." It is an obvious corruption of Popular Culture where I am referencing the popular notion that popular culture is filled with mindless crap. While this is true, it is also deceiving. My invention is ushered from my memories of Beavis & Butthead, two of the most premier popular culture icons of my generation. Where people find disgust and abhoration for Beavis & Butthead is where they cease to appreciate or even understand what the show is saying. It is not idolizing the modern teenager, it is mocking them severely. The greatest irony of the program was that the audience it insulted watched it the most! This seems to hold true for Mike Judge and his socially relevant creations & commentary where he moved onto. King of the Hill has a strong "good ol' boy" following, every office rat and smarmy movie goer saw Office Space, and only the smart-assed culture snobs saw a movie like Idiocracy where the smart-assed culture snobs get bred out of existence by ultra-reproducing morons.
And if you can't appreciate that, kill yourself.
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